
Customer Support Outsourcing: Leveraging the Strengths of Military Spouses

Customer experience (CX) can have a profound impact on brand and reputation. Thus, finding the right talent to drive satisfaction and engagement has never been more critical.

Among the hidden gems in this talent pool, you’ll find military spouses. Their unique life experiences and skill sets position them as prime candidates for CX roles. Multitasking and adaptability spring naturally from a life where circumstances and settings can change in an instant.

Employing military spouses in CX positions not only provides social impact, but significant business impact. The positive results are evidenced by compelling market data and case studies.

Recent studies such as “The Force Behind The Force” highlight the two largest occupational pursuits for active military female spouses.

These areas include Office and Administrative Support (20%) and Sales and Related Occupations (14%). These statistics showcase the employment strengths of military spouse careers. Related figures also exhibit the potential to excel in customer support roles. 84% of this talent pool has some college education and 25% hold bachelor’s degrees.

Their deployment in CX roles leverages a unique blend of adaptability, resilience, and strong communication skills. Traits like these get shaped by the demands of military life.

How Military Spouses Can Move the Needle on CX Satisfaction


Military spouses bring a wealth of experience and desirable qualities to CX roles. Over one-fourth of active military spouses have owned small businesses or pursued self-employment. They can significantly impact customer satisfaction and enterprise success.

In certain niches like remote customer support jobs, military spouses make for a perfect match. In the arena of customer support outsourcing roles, the results and inherent benefits speak for themselves.

1. Customer Service Representative

Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) operate at the frontlines of customer support, handling inquiries and resolving issues. The ability to connect with humans helps create a positive customer experience.

Military spouses excel in team collaboration, a crucial skill for CSRs. Interpersonal strengths also allow them to resolve customer issues by interacting with other departments. Their life experiences foster strong teamwork skills. These qualities assist them in navigating complex scenarios around efficiently handling and resolving customer inquiries.

2. Outbound Sales Specialist

Outbound Sales Specialists engage potential customers, promote products or services, build relationships, and close sales.

Military spouses make the effort to comprehensively understand products and/or services. This grasp allows them to communicate value propositions and address customer concerns. Their dedication to acquiring knowledge and uncovering value can bolster customer relationships and improve sales outcomes.

3. Case Manager

Case Managers oversee the resolution of customer cases. They endeavor to facilitate prompt and effective attention to CX issues.

Military spouses’ advocacy for customers’ interests makes them ideal for this role. Their diverse skill sets and in many cases, multilinguistic abilities, let organizations better attend to customer needs.

4. Claims Intake Representative

Claims Intake Representatives gather information for insurance claims, ensuring accurate documentation and facilitating the claims process.

Benefits for CX Enterprises: Adherence to compliance and regulatory standards overlaps with the daily lives of military spouses. This second nature makes them invaluable in roles that require strict adherence to rules and laws. Their attention to detail and process orientation protect customers’ rights and interests.

How Instant Teams Fulfills Your Customer Support Outsourcing Needs

Instant Teams stands out as a pioneering solution for leveraging the strengths of military spouses in CX roles. We understand your organizational wants.

We offer several key value propositions:

Flexible Hiring Solutions to Suit Your Needs

Instant Teams facilitates flexible work opportunities, providing direct hiring and business process outsourcing services. This flexibility allows organizations to easily fill CX roles, tapping into the pool of military spouse benefits.

A Scalable Workforce for Any CX Enterprise

With a globally dispersed workforce, Instant Teams offers scalability that meets the needs of any organization. For year-round, seasonal, temporary, or project-based support, Instant Teams can quickly ramp up teams to enhance CX operations.

Bilingual Speaking and Writing Support

Leveraging military spouses’ multilingual skills, Instant Teams provides a competitive edge in CX. This capability enhances problem resolution on multiple levels. It meets the needs of a multicultural customer base and drives overall customer satisfaction and engagement.

Woman working remote

Military Spouses Can Help Elevate Your Customer Support Efforts

Leveraging the strengths of military spouses in CX roles offers a unique opportunity to enhance customer satisfaction. At the same time, it supports a community that proves integral to the fabric of our society. Instant Teams provides a robust platform for harnessing this untapped potential. It delivers flexible, scalable, and multilingual support tailored to the needs of internal or external CX enterprises.

Leverage the CX talent community from Instant Teams to transform your customer support operations with the power of military-connected talent.