Instant Insights

Customer Experience (CX) Case Study: WebStrategies

“But Instant Teams does all of the leg-work for us. We know by the time we’re sent a writer that we’re getting someone great.”

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“We were struggling to find a good writer to help with content creation for one of our education clients. We kept finding writers, but none of them proved good enough to meet our lofty expectations. During a HubSpot conference in Boston, one of our strategy managers linked up with Instant Teams (previously known as MadSkills), and we hired their organization to help find us an education writer. They found someone great almost immediately.


On a personal level, I’m all for supporting our soldiers and their families, but hiring a military spouse wasn’t even the primary driving factor. We needed a great writer, and a military spouse is just as capable as anyone. We hired her primarily because we liked her style and portfolio, and the fact that we’re able to support a military spouse is an added bonus. She’s fantastic. She requires very little oversight and direction. When she sends something in, I know it’s going to be good.

Instant Teams spends the time to find a good match. Finding a good writer is never easy, and we often end up spending a great deal of time reading through submissions. Even then, it’s a gamble. But Instant Teams does all of the leg-work for us. We know by the time we’re sent a writer that we’re getting someone great.”

Special thanks to Preston Kendig, Manager of Digital Strategy at Webstrategies, for his feedback and continued support of Instant Teams talent.

WS_Logo_BlueGray_2.pngWeb Strategies is a results-driven inbound marketing agency focused on generating leads and sales for businesses.