Instant Insights

How One Candidate’s Soft Skills Helped Her Find Remote Work Success

A New Year is right around the corner.

Maybe you think it’s time for a career change, or you’re interested in dipping your toes in the remote work pool of possibilities.

But then your inner critic shows up, yet again, to throw any of the following (and most likely nonfactual) statements in your face:

“You don’t have the experience.” 

“You’ve been out of the game for too long.”

“You’ve got one too many large gaps on your resumé.”

Everyone has had those thoughts. Here’s how you can counter them: soft skills

Know about them? You should. You’ve probably developed your fair share along the way. And you know what? They can help you land a remote opportunity. 

Yes, seriously. To prove it, Remote Team Member Maria shares her story on how her creativity and knack for innovation earned her the title of virtual assistant for a brand strategist and media design company owned by a fellow military spouse. 


A Snapshot of Maria

As an Army wife and Air Force reservist, Maria knows a thing or two about the challenges that come with military life. Here’s one for you: advancing your career while juggling the demands on the home front (e.g., kids’ busy schedules) and frequent moves

IMG_2405These hurdles, however, didn’t stop Maria from achieving an extensive series of successes: a Bachelor’s degree in human resources, Master’s in business administration, four years of serving with her Command Support Staff team as a reservist and 12+ years of expanding upon customer service, organization and time management skills while working as a Child and Youth Program Assistant in military child care. 

Do you know what makes military spouses like Maria a force to be reckoned with? They have a can-do attitude. They work hard, and when there’s a mission, they’re committed to it. Maria’s latest mission? To advance her civilian career. She wanted to find something that empowered her to expand her experience in administration and human resources — and in a way that afforded her more time with her family and the chance to contribute more to their income.

“Having that remote work is perfect to be with my family and be home while also earning income.”

Finding Remote Work Success with a Strong Set of Soft Skills

Maria was committed to the task at hand. So, what did she do? She created a profile with Instant Teams to get started on the right foot. After all, Instant Teams uses its proprietary software to place skills front-and-center looking past employment gaps and squashing “job-hopping” notions from frequent moves that traditional employers might consider a red flag.


With Instant Teams, Maria found her match and her on-paper work experience didn’t hold her back. As a result, for the past six months, she’s been working as a part-time virtual assistant Remote Team Member. 

“When I saw that position for social media and the need for someone to speak Spanish, I thought, ‘This is for me!’ It was meant to be for me.” 

This opportunity was, indeed, meant to be when paired with Maria’s strong set of soft skills which include her creativity, innovation and curiosity for social media platforms and design. 

“I enjoy every second of it because it allows me to learn, create marvelous designs and be part of a team that works together to develop branding plans to help other companies grow.”

Ready to find remote work success, just as Maria has? Join Instant Teams to begin your journey today!

“Even though nowadays we find companies that offer remote jobs everywhere, I feel that Instant Teams offers more organization, security and they really take care of their people.”