Military families move a lot and that makes it hard for service members’ spouses to hold steady jobs. About half of military spouses are either unemployed or underemployed and that can take a toll on their families, their earning power, and the economy. When Anne Schons describes her career, she uses the word “imagine” a lot. In college, Schons studied music education. But at 30, with two young daughters and a husband who’s still in the military, it’s been a challenge to establish a civilian career.
I’m kind of trying to imagine maybe becoming a human resources training and developer so I can utilize my education background,” Schons said, “but I don’t have a lot of versatility in what I can do depending on what location we end up in.
Read all about Anne’s experience and how Instant Teams (previously known as MadSkills) can help and how military spouse remote jobs may be the answer.