The Obama era ended with steady job growth for American workers, but military spouse employment did not enjoy similar benefits. In 2016, military spouse unemployment reached 12.04%. That’s three times higher than the national average of 4.7% reported in December. While Obama’s final jobs report portrays a strong economy, it excludes the fact that military Read more…
Here’s a little secret. Military spouses who have tech skills are finding jobs, and many are working from home. Just like you, they grew tired of switching jobs every time they moved. They wanted to avoid gaps in their resume and desired a steady paycheck. So, even though it may have required a career change, Read more…
If you’re reading this, you’re probably a military spouse interested in finding remote work. So what’s keeping you from your dream? Like most spouses, you likely don’t know where to start.
If you’ve never worked from home, you probably imagine a lot of naps, housecleaning, self care time, and daily excursions. If you’ve worked from home, you know this is all VERY far from the truth and that is takes some skills to be productive day in and day out. Working from home brings a freedom that Read more…
Kevin Bacon has NOTHING on military spouses. Let’s just get that straight from the start. You can probably walk up to a stranger in the commissary, ask to friend them on Facebook, and find anywhere from 1 – 52 friends in common. We could literally make a game out of this!! Degrees of separation are Read more…